Stream Tunein constantly interrupts
BeantwortetHi there
My earlier Node 100 and now my Node X constantly intterupts for a few seconds streaming via Tunein. The same radiostations on my smartphone in my car don´t interrrupt.
What can be done to prevent interruptions?
Node 100 was and Node X is connected to strong network using cable.
Offizieller Kommentar
Hi Nico, a few things, I assume you are on the latest version and it's good to know you are connected via cable. Tunein's API calls they use in their partner program are not the same as the public radio stations that are used. If you have rebooted the router and units and this persists do a "send support request" in the app. I have this also happen from time to time with radio stations especially around christmas for christmas music and for talk radio
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