BLUOS 4.2.0 not playing correct tracks tidal in “TRACKS”



6 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Andrew H.
    Brand Manager

    Thanks for the feedback, we will see if we can replicate.

  • Bert-Jan Rietveld

    Please do as I am waiting for a solution desperately.

  • Bert-Jan Rietveld

    Dear Andrew ,
    I received a rather useless reply today from wich it was clear to me that my problem was surely not tried out  nor that anyone made a duplication attempt. I was told that I should reinstall the ios app. as this was updated last week. Such a generic advice obviously hoping it would solve and clean up your stack of issues in the pipeline . My issue still remains the same with all possible updates installed. You said you would try to duplicate the matter. Did you do so? I tried it on several decices from friends using bluos and found the same issue on their set up. Please give me some good reply as I am really not satisfied with the way my communiction is dealt with. I hope you understand that. No hard feelings but just getting a bit upset by the very long period it takes meanwhile to get a serious reply…

    Very best regards

  • Andrew H.
    Brand Manager

    @Bert, sorry for the advice on replacing the app, yes we have replicated and it is queued for work.  It is a combination of a BluOS patch (small) and an app update afterwards (also small)


  • Bert-Jan Rietveld

    Hi Andrew, good to hear that the issue is adressed. Main question now is when do you expect it to be solved? (Rough time frame)

  • Bert-Jan Rietveld

    You and your team nailed it Andrew! Thanks. Satisfied BLUOS customer again. End good all good!


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