
4 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    HI Max

    This was a miss in the new Play Queue logic. It was never designed to do this but worked under the old logic. We want to restore this very soon but it requires a slightly new implementation. We do realise it appears to be restoring functionality, but in fact, we are adding. We do hope to get it back very soon.

    Thanks for your patience.

  • Alain DW

    I just tried it and no, the new list erases the queue. (autofill was on)

    Looks like we may have to do without this from now on, which is a real pita.

    Let's hope that the BS team will consider a solution for users that want to "grow" playlists.

    It should not be a necessity to make use of other software to make a decent playlist.



  • Max Dekker

    Thank you for your anser, a real pity it is.

  • Soul Man

    Alain, agree with you completely!


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