Multiple libraries


3 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar

    Oops! I just tried it again and it does indeed work. When I tried before, the Genre > Artist and Genre > Album views seemed to be exactly the same as the standard Artist and Albums views, with everything shown. Now it does seem to be showing just the correct artist and albums. Maybe they changed/fixed it in one of the recent updates.

  • Bjørn Ulvik

    .... Or just use the "genre" when you're tagging the files.

  • Stefan Zemlicka

    In general the idea of different libraries is good. I have a different use case. I have 2 librraries. One with musik and one with audiobooks. When I shuffle the play, it makes no sense to add here audiobook files.

    The idea with the 2 librraries is, wenn I select the music library, everything is like today, But when I select the audiobook library, I have some additional functions and some function that I never need.

    + play speed

    - shuffle




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