
4 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Pekka

    I have escalated your issue to our Support Crew. They will be in touch via e-mail to get some more details and provide options to you based on your region.

  • Nico

    This might help you. Seems one or more capacitors on the power board have gone bad.


  • Pekka Ylihurula

    Yes. Two capacitors had broken. Since this is very typical issue in Node2, why not put it in FAQ? It took a pretty long time and many messages back and forth to get through the many steps to finally reach the local support company and their recommended electrician. The cost to replace the two bad quality broken condensators was 75 euros. Too small a sum to start any further debate. When there is a fault, it’s just responsible to admit it and give advice on how to repair it instead of referring to some older threads on the same issue.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Pekka

    Your Bluesound Player has no user-serviceable parts - I am pleased to hear your local distributor was there to help.


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