My turn with problems uptade.



3 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Guyl

    Reboot your router, wait 5 minutes, reboot your players, wait 5 more minutes, try again.

    If problems persist, please e-mail


  • Alex

    I do appreciate the support we are getting in this forum from the Bluesound team but this 'reboot router, reboot players' stuff as the answer to so many different issues has got to stop at some point. We should not have to do that unless there has been some network config change. Upgrading a device (or multiple devices) doesn't qualify here, sorry. If a reboot is required following an upgrade it should happen automatically. No router intervention should be required. We live in an IoT world with tens and sometimes hundreds of devices interconnected. If all devices required that many reboots we'd be doing nothing else but going around rebooting things.

  • Alain DW

    The multiroom application is very demanding of the quality of the network, in my experience.

    First you need a decent router and correct configuration. Assigning fixed ip-addresses for every Bluesound device and prioritizing these adresses if possible (depending on the make of your router) is very helpful, if not essential.

    Until now I never had to reboot the router after an update of the player(s).




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