Soundbar subwoofer out delay
BeantwortetI find that my sub is lagging, probably because Im using a (expensive) wireless sub extender in the sub output.
I wanted to use the "Subwoofer Delay" feature to move sub to play earlier (e.g. -50ms) but Delay only seems to work with positive numbers? So I can only move subwoofer to play later, not earlier? Not sure what version of the app Im using.
Do you think you could add this feature - this would be a game changer for me?
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Hi Silver
Unfortunately, you cannot remove delay, as you cannot have audio play before it is processed or transmitted.
My recommendation is to first try removing the (expensive) wireless sub extender and see if that is in fact creating the delay.
If the delay is still there, check the sub-woofer documentation and try adjusting the sub-woofer phase.
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