Node desk top App- Windos

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9 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Christopher

    The Play Queue is highlighting what is playing - in a not-so-subtle manner now;

    Editing a Playlist has not changed and still requires being loaded into the queue and resaved...   (...for now...)

  • Please also let me know how I could delete a song from the play list. I cannot find the option.


  • Alain DW

    It appears you no longer can delete a song from a BluOS playlist. You can only delete from a playqueue.

    Not the way it should be. Moreover the "play all" doesn't work for me, even with autofill activated. You must click on the first track to get the list loaded in the queue. The behavior of the progress bar is "odd".

    I can no longer see the name of the playlist that is in the queue. I can no longer see if the playlist has been changed and needs saving (there used to be an asterisk at the name). Adding a song from the Library doesn't seem to work, at least I can't find the new track in the playlist or the playqueue.

    The playlists are hidden at the bottom of the home screen, almost didn't find them.

    Please put a link on the left side of the screen, as before. Too much clicking needed to get anywhere.

    The home screen is not making navigation more easy, on the contrary only creates more clicks.

    Overall score of the 4.0: for development effort 9/10   for usability 4/10,  needs urgent improvement!

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Thanks Alain

    I have noted your feedback and passed it along (what is not in this morning's launch of 4.0.2)

  • Alain DW

    Thank you Tony, "Play All" seems to be fixed in 4.0.2

    For the rest, I'm still hoping.

    The "Add to Playlist" apparently not working, is not ok for me. Can you confirm? Or is it just me?


  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    QA tells me it's not just you...

  • Alain DW

    And another thing I noticed: "Play All" doesn't work for BluOS playlists.

    It works only for Library>Playlists.

    Not sure if I didn't already report this.

  • Alain DW

    About my last post: This morning I started windows 4.0.2 on my laptop and at first a BluOS playlist did not respond to "play all". The button changed colour but did not load anything.

    I tried a "Library>Playlist" and this worked well. Going back to the BluOS playlist, the "play all" button now worked too. A bit confusing and I wonder if it has to do with the fact that the controller seems to need more time to switch from one job to another. The new controller feels slower than the old ones.

  • Alain DW

    In "Favourites" I can "remove" an artist from the list but not a playlist: there is no "remove" option in the menu.

    Neither can I remove the playlist in the Library>Favorites (sic) > three dots.



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