Library Search in 4.0 Not Working
BeantwortetI am trying to find some common theme as to when searches will or won't work, but struggling.
Here's some examples:
If I search Beatles - no results returned (I have well over 1,000 Beatles songs in my library)
If I search McCartney - It will return many results, including Beatles songs where McCartney is in the song title
If I search a song title that was returned in my McCartney search, it will give no search results.
If search Paul, it will return, among other things, Blondie's "Atomic '98 [Tall Paul Mix]" but if I search Atomic, it will return no results!
Please can support give some update as to what is happening with the search facility, as 4.0 has rendered search utterly impossible.
I have tried rebooting my router, followed by rebooting my player, as per support's suggestion on Twitter.
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Have you tried using an Android or iOS device?
I will try look deeper into this.
Which controller are you using? iOS, Android, Windows or MacOS?
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I don't have any ios devices. I've tried updating both my Android devices but they both are saying no updates available, one is on version 3.20.7 (phone) and the other is on version 3.14.0 (tablet)
Both my Windows controllers (laptop and PC) are updated and they both have the search issue. My player is on version 4.0.2
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Looks like a bug related to the desktop controller. We will look into it.
Hopefully you will see the new Android controller soon, so you can use that in the meantime.
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Another issue just noticed, I now can't view my albums by anything other than "New" so for example I can't search by decade/year/alphabetically etc.
Also, if I search by genre and ask it to list all albums, it will show the first 10 alphabetically, no more. I've tried this with various genres where I have many albums.
Was this even tested?
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Hi Andrew
We are seeing odd results in the Desktop App and our Product Development Team is investigating. Look for a fix to this early next week as we test some things over the weekend. Other App platforms should be good in the interim.
We do apologise for the inconvenience.
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Thanks for the update, good luck with the fixes.
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My search is also not working. Running app off iOS device. Messed up after the major update.
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I’ll add the search does not work for artist, album etc. All it does spin and say lading.
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Can’t cancel either. Have to close an restart Bluesound phone app.
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