
38 Kommentare

  • Andy Cattin

    I am away this weekend, so I can’t test this out, but my 8 TB drive is set up artists, then albums, not sure this is going to work. Version three it was no issue. I could easily scroll to the album I wanted under the artist I wanted and play the entire album.

  • Richard Zink

    Chaotic order might be first on USB stick

  • Jason

    This needs to get fixed immediately - same problem.  Library won’t even show.  As many have mentioned - this is a huge reason I have BluOS to begin with.  

    also - the fact that this post says “answered” isn’t correct either. 

  • Richard Lavigne

    4.0...Where was the rush for this "non-update"?

    I shared the same problem as my unfortunate fellow friends with my USB stick. After a few trial and error exercises which are time consuming, let us not forget, and the removal of the non-update, I was finally able to read my USB stick. And please, don't tell me that I should have disabled the server mode...next time you update your products, please take your time and do your testings keeping in mind that we, audiophile users, deserve at least a little bit of respect from your part. I have lost (again) a bit of innocence in this whole process...

  • Andy Cattin

    last night, after taking out of server mode, then plugging back in the HD cable to the USB port, it recognized the drive finally, did a re-index (about 200K of songs, took a while), and now all appears to be working as before under version 3!  thank you

  • David Molloy

    This is the most ridiculous situation. Echo all the frustrations above. Why this upgrade was not fully tested in a real world environment before release completely baffles me. I have followed all the tech support instructions and nothing works. I have no access to my entire music library. 

    I tried turning off the Nodes and back on again, rebooting my router, and I can even get the onscreen prompts to Enable Server Mode to appear.

    I own 2 Nodes and tried moving my USB Drive to the 2nd Node. The prompts appeared, but then when it came to reindexing the collection, nothing happened. I still cannot see my USB Drive or Folders as an option. This is is bad. Come on, Bluesound. Do better!

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi David

    This has been resolved in BluOS 4.2 released mid November - if you are still having issues, please ensure you are on BluOS 4.2.0 or higher and follow these steps;

    • Please remove the USB Drive from the back of your Player
    • From the Home Screen in the App, select Settings (The Cog or Gear icon in the top right)
    • Select Music Library, Server Mode and set it to OFF
    • Also from Settings, select Help, Diagnostics, Reboot to restart your player
    • Once your Player reboots (solid Blue LED indicator), re-insert the USB drive
    • The App will reprompt you. Say NO to Server Mode

    This will restore the old USB functionality along with the old limitations. Then follow these steps to restore Server Mode and make it part of your Local Library; https://support.bluos.net/hc/en-us/articles/360037137354

  • Vincent Gervais

    This is not solved, it is not working.

    Massive time suck. Hooking up a USB drive should be the simplest function possible. I’ve been trying to follow this advice for two nights now and it does not work.

    I bought three of these and if they don’t start working soon, they are all going back.

    It worked fine before the update. 4.0 is not good. 4.2 solved nothing.


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