NAD M10...trouble
BeantwortetHI, I was away and my M10 was switched off unplugged for 2 months. Upon my return it would not start up. The NAD Icon on top stayed solid red , I tried a reboot reset by holding in Stanndby button and joy. Eventually after playing around I did get the Red FLASHING Icon then white by Holding button and switching off/on wall socket 3-4 times quickly. BUT...machine has changed name to M10-CCFD , ROON found it but BLUOS did not. ROON got it to play music and eventually on my Desktop BLUOS I renamed the machine and reinstalled BLUOS on my Android devices and BLUOS now plays music BUT the butoon in the menu [ or any mention of ] DIRAC is gone ....not just my settings but the ability to even have DIRAC...what is wrong >???
Dirac is under the Audio settings, at least it is on mine. You may need to launch Dirac Live, load the previous session and export new filter settings.
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