multiroom possibilities
I have recently discovered this equipment and I have an important question to consider:
To make a multi-room management is it necessary to use bluesound speakers or I could use any other speaker that has airplay? It is not clear to me if the native bluesound management uses airplay as an engine or not, and therefore airplay is just an extra that does not allow management. I could have in one room 2 homepod mini as stereo and in another room 2 kef lsx and manage from bluesound as multi-room?
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BluOS (Bluesound management) and Airplay are two separate technology. Bluesound speakers are specifically designed to work together using our own proprietary protocol. We offer seamless synchronization and management across different rooms. Bluesound does not use Airplay as an engine but as a feature that we support.
You can use Apple Airplay to stream audio to all your Apple Airplay-compatible devices/speakers.,speaker%20or%20tap%20multiple%20speakers.
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