Dreadful connectivity issues on BluOs 2i / Nad C368



4 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    HI Andrew

    Please select Help, Send Support Request so we can look at your log file and get some more details and pointers on why your Internet Service Provided router is blocking multicast IoT traffic.

  • Seppi Evans

    You made no mention but always worthwhile power-cycling the router rather than the NAD to see what happens / if it works again once the router is fully up.

    2.GHz is more than enough for Spotify (at the time of writing) so doubtful it’s that. If you have an Ethernet lead long enough it may be a good test to temporarily connect the C368 to the router and see if Spotify still stops.

  • Andrew L

    Thanks for the response.

    Power-cycling temporarily fixes it (as does resetting the BluOS module, etc.), but the issue comes back.

    Connecting via Ethernet would require a 15M cable across my whole apartment, which is not a viable option—I need the wifi to work.

  • Seppi Evans

    I am in the UK and have no knowledge of the Verizon router but NAD / Bluesound would, could be as simple as a setting on the router that needs toggling.

    The Ethernet cable was a temporary test, nothing else. I have 50 meters of Cat5e coiled up in the cupboard under the stairs for testing purposes and it drives the wife mad when it comes out and gets draped everywhere 😂


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