Change request for iPad OS controller about structure
BeantwortetPlaying today with Amazon Alexa for Germany I needed to check the settings for alle my players with this setting. So I went to music services on my iPad checked that setting and only wanted to switch to the other player.
But I can't... I need to select a other source library, TIDAL or whatever after that I get the player button for the player drawer.
For smaller devices, maybe only Android have no iPhone, this is the same but here the music services are on extra controller page with a back button in the left upper corner. There are similar steps to take, but it's more obvious.
Best way would be if you can switch the players even when the music services page is opened with of course switch to the services of this player.
If this is not possible maybe a change for iPad OS to a back button would be a more obvious way to use the controller.
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You can change Players in the Player Drawer when a Music Service is selected. You cannot when in the Settings menu because Setting Options are unique to models. The Player must be polled when you choose Settings to confirm what menu options to show. Remember the App is a dumb App and all processing happens on the Players themselves and just displayed in the App. Kicking you out of the menu is the simplest way to accomplish this without adding processing to the App. Keep in mind what you are doing is not an everyday occurrence.
That being said, I have passed your feedback along to our QA team for future consideration.
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