Preset buttons on Pulse Mini and Pulse2 ?



6 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi R Alasker

    Presets are available on all Bluesound Players. On other models virtual preset buttons are available using your phone's BluOS widget. Here's how;

    You can also use an old discarded IR remote to set presets and adjust volumes on all models except the PULSE FLEX;

  • Roger Alsaker

    Thanks for responding. I´m aware of the virtual presets, but the whole idea was to suggest same physical buttons also on the Mini and Pulse 2, instead of having to bring out and iphone og pad etc. Just a suggestion, I´m pretty sure it would be much appreciated for many. 

  • Michael

    Yesterday I gave back my Pulse Flex 2i because I wanted even more better sound. And, btw the Pulse Mini isn't cheap. At home I see that there are no preset buttons. Probably a design nerd had the last word here. So I have to go to my phone in the morning to tell them that my preset should be played (?)

    No way. I will return the Pulse Mini. Especially the flexibility, i.e. the ability to operate the speakers without additional devices, is also very important to me. Thanks, so I save money again


  • Michael

    BTW - The url's doesn't work

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Michael

    Sorry it didn't work out for you - the URL's have been updated. Thanks for letting me know...

  • Stelvio

    I'm another who finds the physical buttons so handy. No fumbling around looking for my phone or a remote cluttering up the place. I too would probably have a mini for the kitchen if it had preset buttons. Currently have a flex and just hit preset 2 in the morning on my way to the kettle! 😁. Also the tactile buttons are so much nicer than the touch sensitive thing. Maybe seen as a bit "old fashioned" but they just work better!


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